
Companion Card Scheme Announced by Minister

Submitted By: JSimpson
Date Submitted: 13-August-2003 2:43 pm
Status: Approved
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The Companion Card Scheme developed by VICNORD was announced by the Minister for Community Services, Bronwyn Pike MP, on Tuesday November 12th, at the All Star Bar and Cafe at the Crown Entertainment Complex at Southbank.

Also speaking at the launch was Anthony Bartl a journalism student who has quadraplegia and who took on SOCOG to pursue his right to take a carer to the Sydney Games without having to pay extra and Michael McLean a successful paralympian yachtsman.

The launch now means that the Department of Human Services is responsible for the establishment of the Companion Card Scheme and they are now asking that anyone interested in the scheme register their interest.

This can be done by:

Telephone: Ring Free Call 1800 650 611 during business hours;

TTY: Ring Free Call 1800 89 8888 during business hours, (for people who are deaf or have a hearing, speech or communication impairment);

Completing the Online Registration of Interest Form, found at the Companion Card website: www.companioncard.org.au

By Email: companioncard@dhs.vic.gov.au

By Fax: (03) 9616 8555

source: VICNORD - 22/07/2003