As of 20th March 2007 there will be two rates of Mobility Allowance,
1) Standard rate of $74.30 per fortnight,
2) Higher rate of $104.00 per fortnight.
To qualify for the standard rate you must be;
- 16 years old or over and
- have a disability that prevents you from using public transport without substaintial assistance for at least the next 12 months and
- are undertaking vocational training, voluntary work, paid work, independant living/life skills training or a combination of these for at least 32 hours every four weeks on a continuing basis or
- have an agreement to look fo work through the Job Network or the Disability Employment Network or
- need to travel to and from your home as part of your training, work or jod seeking efforts and
- are an Australian resident, in Australia and not subject to the two year newly arrived residents wiating period
To qualify for the Higher rate you must also,
- be receiving a Disability Support Pension or Newstart Allowance and
- be working 15 hours a week at award wages or
- be looking for work under an agreement with an Employment service provider.
In some cases the Higher rate may still be payed if a person leaves the Disability Support Pension.
For more information contact the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenoue Affairs.